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The Redemptive Self Explored in the Soul and Mind

Search of source of inspiration for happiness and success in life

Living force forms an integral part of every human being. This basically refers to what we known as ‘inspiration’. This is a unique force that motivates an individual to achieve his or her goals in life. It lifts up our spirits and gives us an opportunity to appreciate the everyday joys of life. So we can also say that it is also linked to the happiness of an individual. It revitalizes the energy that lies within ourselves, makes us feel liberated and brings out the child that is hidden within us.

However, some of us may find it difficult to be inspired. For such people, there are certain points that should be kept in mind that will help them in finding their source of inspiration. Firstly, a person should open his mind to new ideas and concepts in life. This means that one should not just stick to their previous experiences, judgments, and perspectives. New thoughts should also be explored. This will improve a person’s understanding and he or she will be able to comprehend better people around them and difficult situations of life. Next thing is that, the person should not restrict oneself and confine himself in the boundaries of their daily schedule.

This is to say that a sincere and dedicated attitude towards the responsibilities is important, no doubts, but sometimes freedom is essential. So we can say that a kind of leeway is necessary for inspiration. Discovering new things such as those that are found in a museum or trying to involving in creative works like writing poems, or interacting with people from different backgrounds helps a lot in broadening the horizons of an individual. All these things encourage a person to search for an inspiration and sparks up the force that is veiled in our inner self. Last but not the least, One should also minimize the time spend in the company of pessimistic people as this may make him a cynical person as well.

This inspiration gives a person a hope to reach out to his goals. Lack of inspiration, result in the degradation of the inner self of a person. The inspiration or the living force of a person comes from different sources for every individual. On the one hand, few people take their teachers, any famous celebrities or freedom fighters as their inspiration. On the other hand, nature and the scenic beauty around instigate many people. This inspiration actually gives a meaning to their lives and guides them to the correct path. It gives a direction and focus in life. This makes them achieve the heights of success both on the personal and professional front.

For instance, everyone needs to attain intelligence, learn, and acquire knowledge to be on the top. But, only a motivational force of an individual brings out in him a craving to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible. With someone to guide and support him, an …

How I Self Sabotage

How I Self Sabotage

Photo by Nick Moore on Unsplash

Self Sabotaging

Last night as I was tossing and turning, something came over me and I realized why is it that I am not meeting my goals.

My Self Sabotaging Struggle

All my life I have  been striving for financial stability. I want to go beyond surviving. I want to thrive. I want to live my life fully without having to worry about how I am going to pay for things.

I can vividly remember many trips and outings I have gone to where I am worried if I am going to be able to afford it.

For example, last year when I went to the Phillipines. Yes I had the airplane ticket but did not have any money to spend while there. Somehow that was resolved because I worked while I was there and got a few divorce cases.

But that fear comes with me almost daily.

But it’s not just money. I have the same issue with my health. I know I need to lose weight and exercise, but everything else I have to do comes first. Particularly the money.

Since I work for myself, if I don’t work I don’t get paid.

This is something that my husband struggles to understand.

He takes days off and expects me to be able to turn off the phone and take the day off with him.  While sometimes I do, I am always stressed thinking that I am missing an opportunity if the phone rings and the caller cannot get a hold of me.

This Lifestyle is Killing Me

This is my first step at figuring out why I am doing this to myself.  So I am going to debrief what are the things I am self sabotaging:

1 – Health

I am not exercising at all.  I started with a 30 day 100 squat challenge. I did it for a week and a half and then stopped. I will restart today but that’s not the point. Will I quit again?

Why am I doing this to myself?

Doing 25 squats 4 times a day does not take a lot of time.

I am such a fool!

I am OBESE. Sixty pounds over the recommended weight for my height. I am bulging in the mid section.

Yet I am not able to be consistent with this simple task. I do not understand myself.

And I know it’s not because I don’t see changes, because I do. My thighs are becoming stronger and even reaquiring a bit of definition. So why I stopped? Maybe I do not love myself enough?

A couple of days ago I saw a video of myself and realized the results of my lifestyle.

I hated it!

Currently I live in stretchy pants. I rarely leave the house. I depend on makeup and doing my hair to boost my confidence. It’s truly sad.


2 – Spiritual Life

I am a believer of Christ and know the fundamentals of my faith. …

How Do I Get New Clients

Hey guys! Here is an update. So since I started this journey one of my main concerns has been how was I going to get new clients?

I’ve been a business woman for a while so I understood the basics including internet, print advertising, networking, etc.

Networking has been to me the worst investment of time and money I have ever made. For a long time I was a member of a local networking group. Super nice people. I am still friends with some of them but I only made about $40 from investing into the group.

I don’t know if it’s because I am not pushy enough, or maybe because I did not talk about what I did enough. But talking about divorcing people gave me a weird feeling. You know it felt like I was saying “call me if you need me ‘wink’ ‘wink’.

I was the member that they wished they never had to call.

They never referred me business.

But I know they loved me for the person  I am.

So besides networking there is print ad and I hate the feeling that if I don’t pay for the ad this week I will be missing out. Also, when  I did run the ads most of the people that called where just kicking the tires, not really ready to make an appointment and get started.

Also back then a no court divorce was not something that people knew to be real. Like anything new they did not know anyone that got divorced that way so it was difficult for them to believe me.

Then of course the internet.

This is the one area I have done well but with clients to take care I have very little time to work on my online presence. I know, what a curse and a blessing. It’s a good thing because I already have clients, and it’s a bad thing because time is of the essence.

Even this post! I’ve been wanting to make this post in a while but I have been too busy! I have not been even able to do yoga! Now that’s annoying!

So how am I getting clients?

Some come from Thumbtack

Some come from relationships I’ve had

And lately from someone that sells business services to mostly insurance companies. He sells websites and I do the SEO and social media. So far he became a client and signed up another client and it’s now advertising my services.

It’s white label which means the client does not know another company is doing the work. I do not deal with the client at all. I just make sure things are working the way they are supposed to be. Evolve Business Solutions have been a life saver to me.

The work they send to me allows me to work from home, pick up the kids from school and pay the bills.

Of course it also gives me more practice and challenges me to stay organized.…

New Frontier for Me

I am so excited!

I have finally decided to stop helping people get divorced. It’s not an easy decision; there is a lot of risk involved but I believe it will be for the best.

Family Needs

My family needs me more and more. It seems everyday there is an opportunity for a “teachable moment” which forces me to be present. I had to face the truth; it’s hard to be present when the phone rings and it’s someone having a nervous breakdown. Or what about the wife texting me Sunday to follow up on her case?

New and Not New

I have been working on websites for many years. Heck the reason why I’ve had so many divorce clients is because of my mad SEO skills. Without them I would have been struggling like so many business owners out there. As Google kept changing their algorithm so did I kept learning how to adapt and keep climbing.

What’s new for me is the social media aspect, for which I am learning as much as possible and taking risks but what’s business without risks?

New Frontier

So now I decided to put my skills to the service of other business owners wanting to have more visibility on the internet and social media. I am so excited over this opportunity to help others achieve their dreams in a more positive way.

I can’t wait to have several clients, a team of geniuses and a whole different set of problems.

The good thing is that I have discovered that I am definitely not made to have a boss. I rather have clients and work day and night to make them happy and fulfill their inboxes with new potential clients.

More than they know what to do with!

I am so glad and grateful for my divorce clients and I will continue to be around for them but for now, I need to concentrate on my new baby. welcome to our world!

Parent and Child Relationship

It is hard.

My mother and I have not spoken for more than 7 days.

I am 44 years old and you would think I no longer need her but I do. I hate this silence and not understanding why it makes it harder.

All I know is that she was supposed to meet us for dinner in Daytona Beach, FL and didn’t.

She canceled the same day, with a text, with no explanation.

I have since tried to talk with her but she always either does not pick up the phone or tells me that she is OK and will call me back but never does.

Something to understand is that growing up I was more the mother than the child. She was orphaned at 5 years old and had a tough childhood. She got pregnant with me at 17 years old and got married to my father thereafter.

The marriage lasted 2 years and she got together with another man that fathered 2 more children.

This other man beat her in front of us.

While my siblings do not remember any of this, I still remember.

My mom did not always made the best decisions but I was always there to help her in any way I could.

She kept choosing bad partners up until the last one; which is not as terrible as the others but still has many faults that makes me weary of him.

But she is an adult, and so am I and if there is one thing I have learned through my life is to let people be.

Letting go of fixing problems has been rough but also has allowed me to live my life and raise my own family.

But it’s still hard to not speak with my mother – without any idea why.

I do hope she comes around and shares with me what the hell is going on because it is driving me insane!

Until next post


Immigration and Divorce Issues


Divorce and Immigration Issues

In some instances, the divorce may have immigration. Here are a few common questions and solutions.

What’s conditional permanent residence?

An individual who immigrates towards the U.S. with different marriage that’s under 2 yrs old during the time of his/her admission will get conditional permanent residence status. This status can last for 2 yrs. To achieve full permanent residence status, the conditional resident must file a petition using the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before the second anniversary of his/her admission being an immigrant. In those days, when the marriage continues to be intact, the immigrant spouse will get a complete permanent residence. On the other hand, when the marriage is dissolved, the immigrant spouse will forfeit his/her immigrant status and be deportable.

I backed my spouse’s immigration application and we are divorcing?

Should you sponsor your spouse’s immigration application and also the marriage is ending, you need to withdraw your sponsorship quickly because through sponsorship you’ve assumed the required supporting your partner and the and her dependents. Whenever a person signs an affidavit of support, she or he accepts responsibility for financially supporting the backed immigrant(s) until she or he becomes U.S. citizens. However, divorce doesn’t always terminate your financial responsibilities toward your immigrant spouse before she or he turns into a U.S. citizen unless of course she or he leaves the U. S. States. A spouse-sponsor should withdraw any Petition for Alien Relatives and also the Affidavit of Support as quickly as possible if divorce process are imminent.

How are immigration applications treated following a divorce?

When an immigration application that is dependant on marriage is pending prior to the USCIS, an immigrant spouse is going to be considered out-of-status upon the dissolution from the marriage. There’s additionally a strong possibility the alien spouse might be susceptible to removal proceedings following the divorce situation is completed. An individual who immigrates towards the U . s . States with different marriage that’s under 2 yrs old during the time of his/her admission will get conditional permanent residence. When the marriage continues to be intact in the second anniversary, then your immigrant spouse will get a complete permanent residence. Meanwhile, when the marriage leads to divorce, then your immigrant spouse will forfeit his/her immigrant status and be deportable. In which the qualifying marriage is finished in divorce or annulment throughout the two-year conditional residency period, the conditional resident may obtain a waiver from the joint filing requirement in line with the parties’ good belief once they joined in to the marriage.

Find out more about Immigration and Divorce issues by contacting Inmigracion Xpress.

What’s conditional residence status?

Conditional resident status is conferred with an alien towards the U . s . States or perhaps a authorized permanent resident inside a marriage that’s considered genuine and that’s under 2 yrs old. The status is conditional for an additional 2 yrs. When the marriage lasts greater than 2 yrs, then your alien could be approved for …

Moving On After A Break Up


So you’re moving forward the heels of the breakup. Please accept my virtual hug. Lord knows I’ve had the experience.

During the last 14 years, I’ve resided in 11 different apartments. Three of individuals moves were inspired with a breakup with someone I shared a house with. Right now, I’ve moving lower to some science. However it never feels less taxing. And it is worse when there is a breakup involved.

First comes the dreaded division from the possessions. I remember when i came the place to find a condo where every imaginable object was engrossed in Publish-it notes studying, “This is mine.” Who understood that two humans might have such impassioned feelings concerning the origins of the paperback copy from the Artist’s Way? As though that were not the worst factor imaginable, then you must package your worldly possessions and schlep all of them over creation. Much like me, you might seem like a dejected turtle, balancing your house lying on your back. Before you began packing, you was clueless that you owned a lot of books, a lot of athletic shoes, a lot of half-used hair products.

At lengthy last, both you and your boxes land inside your new space. Both hands haven’t looked so dirty. You’ve got no idea where your toothbrush is. From time to time, it dawns for you, just like a bad dream you cannot escape: This is when you reside now. Just you. Alone.

In reality, there are many positives to beginning over, a few of which grow apparent as time passes. Meanwhile, listed here are nine things I’ve found result in the process just a little simpler. I think you’ll might find some security in them.

For more tips:

Para informacion sobre un divorcio en la Florida

Is It Worth Holding On?


Are You Holding Too Tight?

Being in love is an amazing feeling. Many history books, songs and even the bible talks incessantly about how wonderful being in love is.

But without question, sometimes love goes awry and unfortunately the intoxicating feeling is gone and replaced by pain, confusion and sadness.

When a relationship has reached a painful demise many of us keep holding on, hoping for things to go back the way they used to be.

Even to our own detriment.

Sometimes we even keep marriage plans ahead even when we have seen the signs that our relationship may not be the best thing for us.

But we have faith and hope and charge ahead hoping for the best.

Then when the same issues arise again we find ourselves back to the painful stage we endured before.

I sat down recently with Patricia Garbo, a legal document preparer with Documents Assist Corp located in Hialeah. She shared with me that most of her divorce clients call her after looking for the phone number of the Miami divorce court forms. Many of them shared that the reason for their divorce (being infidelity, jealousy, etc) had shown it’s ugly head before they were married.

The reason why they went ahead with the nuptials vary but many of them shared they believed their now ex that they would never do it again.

To Hope Or Not To Hope

This was not really an eye opening statement to me. After all I do believe that people change but I also believe that people will tell you what they know you want to hear.

Our challenge is to figure out when it’s real and when it’s fake.

Making Hard Decisions

Per Ms. Garbo many potential clients will call her for information on a Simple divorce florida, and then would not hear about them for months; surely trying to work things out.

Until one day they start the divorce process.