Filing for Divorce? What’s Going to be Your Revenge?


Just read an article of this guy that was married and his wife cheated on him. To make a long story short he orchestrated for his wife to leave the house, leave him the children, pay him child support while he is working part-time. Unfortunately he used his daughter as a pawn but who am I to judge? Read the Story HERE

I so wish that I was that crafty when I left my husband. All I could think about was I can’t live under the same roof for one more minute and took my kids into a shelter.

We lived there for 3 months while a judge finally told him to get the fuck out.

Meanwhile I worked on getting my beauty on and become a better version of me. I started seriously exercising, buying better fitting clothes, having my hair done up and even had my girl in tactical-aesthetics make my skin glow.

PS – If you are ever in the Melbourne, Florida area you should see if you can get an appointment with Stephanie Olliekainen, a master aesthetician in Melbourne with more than 20 years of experience and LOVES her work!

During that time I grew as a person exponentially. I opened my own business and learned that I could do life without him.

I have 4 kids and while he told me that no-one would ever want to be with me because I have too much baggage I found someone wonderful that loves me and my “baggage” and treats me extremely well, sometimes better than I deserve.

Do you have a juicy revenge story to tell?